Recycle Plastic Cups For reuse

Is a coffee mug recyclable? Many people are asking this question as they are becoming more aware of the plastic waste and the effect on the environment. A coffee mug is often used as a decorative item in the kitchen, and the coffee grounds are added to the mug for flavor. It is then used to sip while doing homework, or reading a book. As you can see, there are many ways that a coffee mug can be used and many ways it can still be used.

There are some things that you can do at home in order to recycle your coffee mug. You can make a compost pile inside your kitchen and as the pile fills up you can transfer the coffee grounds into the compost pile. The coffee grounds are the nutrients that you will need to feed the worms in the compost pile, which will break down the organic material down so that it is useful to your garden. You can also use the coffee grounds as a sponge; a great way to recycle plastic bags. Give an old plastic bag a makeover, making it new again, use the coffee bags as an insert or a spongy material to hold together other items like peeling off labels from clothing.

If you drink from a single cup coffee mug every day, you could easily drink around a gallon of coffee and use just one plastic bag, saving up to three plastic bags, one reusable water bottle, one biodegradable trash can bag or two. These are just some of the things that you can do in order to re-cycle. Many local grocery stores have compost bins for people to put their paper products in and you can usually pick up the used coffee grounds at the store. Coffee mugs are easy to reuse, so try mixing things up by using other items that you have in your cupboard, like salt, sugar, cinnamon sticks, cornstarch or anything that will re-purpose the cups instead of throwing them out.
